It has been a while since I have blogged on her about what is going on in my life or with my family. I thought today would be a perfect day to get on and post again.
We will start from the top. Gilly Had a little girl last year which I am sure most of you know about. Her little girls name is Clara, she is an adorable little child and has an infectious smile and laugh. Her Oldest son Brogan was Baptized last June along with Clara being blessed. Gilly and her husband Seth and four kids Brogan, Gavin, Camron, and Clara live in Boise Idaho. Seth is Working on the base with tanks I believe.
Deidra , Kade her husband and their four kids Liberty, Kayson, Brylee, and Brancyn Live in Rexburg Idaho. Kade works at the College, Deidra works at home as a home mom which is the best job ever! Her oldest is in middle school and is quite smart and grown up. Kayson got baptized this last year as well. Brylee Become a grader which she seems pretty happy about. Last but not least, Brancyn is Mom's little man, and little helper. He is full of eneregy and will be starting kindergarten in the fall.
Tressie She lives in Rexburg Idaho, where she works for a man in her
ward.The company is called Something Storage. What the company is all
about is storage for your garage, it helps you find places to put those
extra things that you don't have space for. She loves her Job for the
most part.
Michelene and her Husband Shaun and three kids Hunter, Brielle, and Archer also live in Rexburg Idaho. Shaun is going to school at BYUI but needs to take some classes in Pullman. So they will be putting their house on the market in March sometime. Michelene is also a home mom:) her oldest has also became a grader, which I think he likes for the most part. He is a character and has so much energy in his system. He is always trying to pick up some money like selling pies for 10 cents , telling everyone that his mother will make the pies, when she can't. Brielle is very much a girly girl, but she has a tough side too. She likes to play with barbies and do fun things with her mom. She will be come a kindergartener this fall as well. Now Archer is a cute little man, he looks to play rough and tough, but he has a sweet side to him, he is willing to give hugs and kisses to us when we visit.
Kylie, Jacob her husband and their soon to be four kids live in Spokane Valley Washington. that's right Kylie is Pregnant with her fourth child and first boy. She is due to have him the 14th of March. We are so excited to meet our newest grandchild into our family. they have three girls who are beautiful and so sweet. we have loved living so close to them. Rileigh is a grader as well, which means all day school. She says she doesn't like school, but I think that she has a secret love for school. Jacilynn is probably the more tomboyish of the three girls, but she still loves PINK and is very much girly still:) Kassidy is so cute and she is getting so big too. she likes to play with her big sisters and help mom. Jacob is working for his Uncle.
Codi , and her two girls, Napuaokolani and Leilani live in Colville Washington with us. She is doing the Pathway program which is tough sometimes. Napua for short is going to preschool and loves going to school, she gets sad when she can't go to school somedays. Leilani is a stinker sometimes, but she is full of love and gives good hugs and kisses. She is a sweetheart! Codi got really sick for a while, she had a surgery and is now trying to recover, we are waiting to hear when she will be released from the hospital.
Tyrell is attending BYUI. He met a girl that he works with at Gringos an American Mexican food place In Rexburg Idaho. Her Name is Mikaela Price. They are engaged and are going to be married in the Rexburg Idaho temple in May. We really like Mikaela, and are excited to have her in our family.
Cheston has returned from his mission. He has served two years in the Belo Horizonte Brazil Mission. He will be going to to Rexburg in March to get ready to try an attend BYUI in the Spring. He has been busy while being at home, helping Mike finish the downstairs bathroom, which is really starting to come together. He has also been to give various talks or help teach in Sunday school classes since he as been home from his mission.
Achsah finished her first year at BYUI. She has loved being down in Rezburg where there is family to visit and get to know better, but to also go to school and make so many friends. She is now studying Family Science and Consumer ED. She has loved it so far and can't wait to get back to studying in the Spring when she will return. She is 18 years old and will be 19 this summer.
Dana is doing running start. it is this program that they offer the students if you can past the test to get in to get a head start. She is going to High school while doing college courses and it has been a challenge, but has loved doing that. I think she likes that her friend Elysse can do it with her. I think she also likes the free time that comes with it. Dana is now 17 years old and looking forward to finishing up school so that she can have her two year degree and continue to go to college to further her education.
Morgan is in tenth grade which he will finish this June. This last Christmas he got a Rip-Stick, which is kind of like a skateboard only that you have to use you weight to move the skate board by shifting you weight back and fourth. Anyways the third or fourth time during the break that he used he he fail and broke he leg. So my dad had to take him in and then they had to take he down to Spokane where he had to have surgery because he broke he growth plate,which allows you to bend your leg. He is doing better and will be getting it off in a month or so. Morgan will turn 16 in May. his sisters keep badgering him to find someone to take out on a date. He is not sure he is really into that. Which is OK I don't mind him taking his time.
Makenna turned 14 in Febuary. She has been so excited to fourteen years old, because that means she can start wearing makeup and she can go to the youth dances. Makenna is in 8th grade and doesn't care so much for school, but she tries to work hard and get good grades. She has hope that when she turns 16 she can get her GED like some of her older siblings have done, and then go to the community college for two years before she leaves.
Kordell is 12 years old. I think he has been enjoying Mutal with the older kids. He is a good helper. he has been helping Cheston and Mike on the downstairs bathroom. He is in seventh grade now. He went out and did the Klan dyke this year which was really cold, but he survived it!
Our Youngest Muhvaughny is 11 years old. She loves playing make believe, and with her dolls and animals. She had a party with a few girls for her birthday, and they all gave her stuff animals. She was in heaven, she was so excited to have new friends to play with. She is in 5th grade and with be in 6th in the fall. which is now at the JR. High School. She is not to happy about having to go to the JR High a year early, but said she will make the best of it.
Mike and I are Living in Colville Washington, Mike is the second counselor in the Bishopric, which is sometimes challenging, with work on the weekends, but he always tries he best and tries to to all that he can. I have been doing the Pathway program as well with Codi. For those who don't know, it is online schooling by BYUI. I also watch Steven a boy from my ward on Mondays. While his mother goes to work. Like I said before Mike is finishing up our downstairs bathroom. Well that about sums up everything I can think of about our family. Hope you enjoy reading it is kind of long.
Surviving Summer
6 years ago
I enjoyed reading it! Just to have an update on things that I may not have known. Glad to see you reposting. I guess I better get on the bandwagon too. Maybe one of these years we'll get internet again! :)